


Diabetes can cause problems to the body that force you to give up on your interests like eating and working out. However, with the right habits, you can take care of your health. Every step to take care of your blood sugar levels will affect your body. It is important to talk with an expert when you take up any habits. There are four things that every doctor suggests. If you have diabetes, you always need to monitor your blood sugar levels at all times. Check with your doctor to learn what is the right range of blood sugar levels.

Eat Healthy Food

Eat Healthy Food

Every person with diabetes can have a different diet plan based on what affects their health. It is important to stick with the things that are low in sugar, salt, and fat. The food that you eat should have more nutrients and fiber. Fruits and vegetables provide the right nutrients while also adding taste to the food. Ask your doctor for the weight that you need to reach and maintain. While deciding what you want to eat, you need to keep your blood sugar levels in control. Find a dietician who can help you create your food chart for every day.

Get Regular Exercise

It is also essential to maintain your exercise routine when you have diabetes. You should know that doing less or more than required exercise can affect your health. Most doctors suggest walking, dancing, biking, swimming, and playing sports. Regular homework can also become a required workout, such as cleaning the place, gardening, taking your dog for a walk, etc. Working out will keep your weight under control, maintain your insulin levels, keep your heart and lungs working properly and also provide the energy that your body needs every day.

Testing blood sugar levels every day

 blood sugar levels

You need to know when to check your blood sugar levels to take care of your diabetes. It is important to know your blood sugar levels when you indulge in workouts and a healthy diet. Depending on your monitoring device, you will need to follow different steps to check your blood sugar levels. It usually requires you to prick your finger and use a strip to check the blood sugar with a device. Pricking your finger will hurt a little. Take an expert’s help until you learn to do it on your own.

Keep daily records

It is important for a patient to keep a record of their blood tests in a separate record book. The records can also include what you eat, how you feel, and if you worked out during the day. Keeping these records will help you understand how your diabetes is affecting your health in the long term. It will help the doctors determine when they need to change your medicine and insulin shots to keep your blood sugar levels in the right levels.

People get affected by diabetes due to the increase in blood sugar levels, and everyone may face different effects due to their type of diabetes. Diabetes can occur in older age if we do not take the right care of our body. From keeping the blood sugar levels under control with the right diet to exercising for a healthy heart, everything helps prevent factors that can cause diabetes. Here are the healthy eating tips necessary to treat diabetes.

Choose the right carbs

Carbs can increase blood sugar levels dramatically. It is important to know which carbs are good for your health while consuming the right portions. Eating carbs without taking fiber is a bad decision. Whole oats, fruits, brown rice, vegetables, pulses, and yogurt are some examples of healthier carbs.

Eat less salt

Eating lots of salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Having symptoms of diabetes can be dangerous while you eat higher quantities of salt. A safe limit for salt per day is 6g. Always remember to check food labels for salt quantities and manage your diet accordingly.

Eat less processed meat

Avoid eating red and processed meat on a daily basis. Consuming ham, sausages, bacon, and red meat can increase the risks of heart problems. You can swap red meat and processed meat with foods such as eggs, fish, pulses, unsalted nuts, and poultry chicken. Each of these foods will give you enough fiber to prevent the impact on your blood sugar levels.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the most effective in maintaining good health. Try to add more of them in your main meals than to eat them as snacks. It will add enough nutrients to your diet so your body stays healthy. Despite having a sugary taste in fruits, they cannot cause diabetes as they contain natural sugar. You need to avoid added sugar that is found in fruit juice products.

Cut down on added sugar


As mentioned above, added sugar is the reason for all types of diabetes. Cutting out sugar can sometimes be difficult as most sweetened food products contain added sugar. In such cases, having more water, plain milk, and coffee without sugar is the best way to drink beverages without sugar. Avoid energy drinks and sugary drinks like soda.

Zero-calorie sweeteners

Zero-calorie sweeteners can help you cut back glucose levels and control your weight. They are also known as artificial sweeteners that eliminate the use of added sugars while still providing you the same sweet taste. If you are already a patient of some type of diabetes, using such artificial sweeteners can be the best way for you to enjoy your food. However, you will need to consider your doctor’s advice on using any type of sweeteners considering your health.

Maintaining a healthy body will automatically prevent diabetes. However, type-2 diabetes can be a genetic disorder in some families. Today, type-2 diabetes is growing in numbers among the youth that suffer from obesity. The good news is that type-2 diabetes is preventable in most cases. 9 out of 10 cases can be prevented if the person is willing to make the right lifestyle changes. These changes will also help in preventing heart diseases and even some cancers. Overall these tips will encourage people to stay active. Here are ten tips to prevent diabetes.

Control your weight



Excess weight is the number one reason for turning into a diabetic patient. While inheriting or being overweight can increases the chances of diabetes to seven times, being obese can increase it to 40 times. If you lose your weight down to a healthy area on the weight scale, you can cut down your risk of diabetes in half.

Go out

Sitting idle can increase the chances of type-2 diabetes as the muscles do not get to use the insulin and glucose that get stored in it. Working our or taking a long walk will consume the sugar in the body bringing the sugar levels to be normal. Cardiovascular exercises are considered the best for anyone experiencing symptoms of diabetes.

Create a diet

Create a diet

Four dietary changes are necessary to prevent all factors that lead to diabetes. First, you need whole grain foods over processed carbohydrates. Next, you need to avoid sugary drinks at all costs and pick water and coffee over soda. You also need some healthy fats in your diet that fish can provide. At last, you need to limit red and processed meat in your diet.

Stop smoking

Smoking is also a reason that can lead to type-2 diabetes. Smokers are 50% more inclined towards developing diabetes at later ages, while heavy smokers are at risk of developing it early. Try to reduce the use of cigarettes while slowly bringing it to the final step of quitting. Smoking will not only raise your chances of catching diabetes but also become a problem during your workouts. You will lose stamina to perform cardiovascular exercises. Smoking can also affect your diet as you may not feel hungry after smoking.

Use limited alcohol intake

Use limited alcohol intake

Alcohol is also related to problems that cause diabetes and heart diseases. However, light to moderate alcohol consumption is considered beneficial in increasing the efficiency of insulin. Experts suggest a single drink for women a day, and men have suggested two drinks a day. Excess alcohol can actually increase the risks of diabetes. Avoid drinking beer if you are already experiencing the symptoms of diabetes. If you do not drink alcohol, it is okay to skip this step. You can receive similar benefits from working out and changing your eating patterns.

People with diabetes can face problems while exercising as their bodies will be deprived of glucose energy. Rigorous exercises like sprinting and jumping release glucose from muscles and the liver. People who indulge in exercise can reduce the blood sugar levels effectively. However, exercises that raise your blood sugar levels can prevent your muscles from using insulin. That is why it is important to discuss exercises with your doctor in order to keep your blood sugar levels in control. Here are some expert tips on exercising when you have type-2 diabetes.

Make a list of fun activities

When you cannot go to a gym to exercise, you have the freedom to pick your own healthy activities. Whether you want to learn yoga or just go walking in a nearby garden, you can enjoy doing things that are not as rigorous as a gym but also keeps your heart rate high. You can also learn adventure sports as long as your body permits it apart from diabetes.

Check your blood sugar

You need to keep checking your blood sugar levels during your workout schedule. It will help you keep track of the time when you need a snack. Talk with your doctor to know when you can check your blood sugar levels. After the workout, if you feel the blood sugar level is too low, you can adjust your sugar intake accordingly.

Add more carbs

Add more carbs to your diet when you are exercising. Carbs take longer to break down while they also provide the necessary sugar you need for the workouts. When your exercises lower your blood sugar levels, a quick snack of bread, fruits, oats, energy bars can help you out.

Ease into your routine

Ease into your routine

Learn to adapt to an exercise routine slowly instead of trying out everything on the first day. If you are not active now, you can start with ten minutes in the beginning and slowly increase your time to exercise. Do not exercise when you feel shaky, weak, anxious, or over sweaty. If your heart is beating too fast, it is also time to take a rest.

Strength training twice a week

Strength training is helpful in increasing your blood sugar levels. When you lift weights or work with resistance bands, you can do pushups and lunges and squats that will lift your own body weight. Strength training is used for the whole body. Set up your schedule to focus on each muscle group on different days. It is a good idea to work with certified fitness trainers so they can provide you with quality instructions on keeping yourself fit.

Never forget to train yourself and try to make fitness a habit. Start eating healthy and take your medicines on time to prevent low sugar levels during the workouts. Take rest whenever needed, and do not push your body for longer workouts.

Diabetes can restrict a lot of food items for the patients. They need to keep their blood sugar levels under control which restricts them from several food options. On the contrary, the patients get suggested foods that help them prevent the complications like heart diseases. A well-balanced diet can help prevent and manage diabetes. Here are the foods that are useful for controlling diabetes.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish is the healthiest food on the planet, as believed by many. Fatty fishes like salmon and herring can provide rich quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. It reduces heart diseases and strokes. DHA and EPA also protect the blood vessels and reduce inflammation in the body.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens

Leafy vegetables are a rich source of nutrition and have low calories. They eliminate the consumption of digestible carbs that prevents the rise in blood sugar levels. Green vegetables also restore vitamin C levels in the body that gets eliminated due to diabetes. Vitamin C works as antioxidants to protect the heart and eye health.


Avocados are known to have healthy fat and less than 1 gram of sugar that makes them healthy food. Its high fiber content is also beneficial in keeping the blood sugar levels under control. Avocado improves diet quality and also lowers weight and BMI. Researchers continue to search properties in avocados that can help in diabetes prevention.



Eggs are a healthy part of a diet that should be a must in everyone’s breakfast. It can be eaten with meals or separation between the meals to make sure the body receives a good amount of protein. Eating eggs also reduce the risk of heart diseases due to many reasons. The antioxidants present in eggs also provide eye protection.

Chia Seeds

Another good food to help people with diabetes is chia seeds that provide high fiber and low digestible carbs. Some researches also show that blood sugar levels also slow down increasing after consumption of chia seeds. It may also help you achieve healthy weight gain and reduces hunger.



Beans are also a rich source of fiber along with vitamin B, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It is easy to afford food. Some researches show that bens have a low glycemic index that is important for controlling diabetes. Over 3000 participants were tested for cardiovascular health after giving them beans, who observed a significant improvement.

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is the best dairy product that reduces the risk of diabetes and blood sugar levels because of its probiotics. It lowers the glucose level while developing insulin resistance. Over 10,000 participants were seen to reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes after they were served yogurt on a regular basis. Greek yogurt is the best of all as it contains the lowest levels of carbs.